State of the game

Thank you for voting Eight Cube to the 156th place in style !

Update 1.0.2 has now been released for play tests!

After a week of debuging, I can finaly release the optimization update. This update is mainly focused on fixing the lags caused by having big amounts of cubes in the world. There will be more optimization updates in the future since I am aware of a few things that could be optimized. 

Meanwhile, I also modified how controls are displayed in the game. I mage most tool tips bigger but I am aware that it's still not enough and I'm looking towards futher improvements on this later.

What's next to come for Eight cube? 

In future updates, I'd like to improve the way the game teaches the player how to use the different mechanics. I also would like to add more diversified building types. Also, a very important feature to add would be the ability to save your progress.

I had a lot of fun making eight cube, but I also have a main secret project that I've been working on for a year now so my main focus will come back on that for now. 
Of course, I will still provide bug fixes and optimizations if necessary.

If you like the concept of that game and would like me to focus more on it, do not hesitate to leave a comment  on the games page. Feedback is very welcome! If I notice that a lot of people are interested in that game, that will give me a good reason to prioritize it over my other projects :)

Thank you again for all the support during GMTK's game jam!


EIGHT CUBE - Version 1.0.2 334 MB
Aug 30, 2024

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